Monday, May 2, 2011

BSP set to refresh inflation forecast

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Philippine Economy is the 13th largest economy in Asia and the 32nd Largest Economy in the world by purchasing power parity according to the International Monetary Fund in 2010. It was the 4th largest economy in South East Asia. our country depends on the different resources that our motherland has, especially the Labor of the Masses.

I agree what Banco Sentral ng Pilipinas are planning to refresh its forecasting about the Inflation statements to the economy of our country. the Bank must review its plans and decisions for our economy forecasts this year. They must not only think for the single view programs, the government and the central bank must look into the different levels of economy from the business owners/investors to the simple employee/labor people, they must try to make our economy feel its prospering effects to us so that we might have the inspiration to continue building our country-economy to its peak. But right now we experience different price increases in our economy, and the government must take this problem seriously already because more and more Filipino people are having difficulties on how to budget their salaries in which it isn't good enough to support its families by this kind of wages for a month. Inflations are one of the economies moving/rising line in the graph, this rising line must be guarded by our economic officers. All I can say right now is that this is a right decision that the Banco Sentral open in public that they will refresh its inflation forecasts. Because we might experience a good result or possibly another big problem, not only in our Economy-Government, but in ourselves, we Filipinos also. The government must control this events so that we can prepare ourselves in the future.

1 comment:

  1. GOOD JOB!

    You have nice views, however, you missed to include the impact of the said issue on your self.

